The institutional bodies that ensure the proper functioning of CDCNPA (the Italian Clearing House for batteries) are:
- The Assembly of Consortium Members;
- The Executive Committee consists of 5 members (including the President) and, in addition to being responsible for proper day-to-day management, is tasked with ratifying the guidelines, models, and operational rules developed by the Operating Committees, while verifying their financial coverage.
Currently, the Executive Committee consists of:
- Laura Castelli (President)
- Alberto Canni Ferrari
- Giuliano Maddalena
- Guido Scanagatta
- Michele Zilla
- The President is responsible for maintaining relations with the Italian Ministry of Environment and Energy Security and with the Supervision and Control Committee (Comitato di Vigilanza e Controllo).
- The Board of Statutory Auditors;
- The Operating Committees: formed by representatives of consortium members, they are responsible for defining rules to optimize the collection of different types of batteries and accumulators.
The CDCNPA has established two Operating Committees:
- COP – Operating Committee for Portable Batteries
- COA – Operating Committee for Industrial and Vehicle Accumulators
Below you can read and download the Statute, Regulations, and Code of Conduct that the CDCNPA has adopted: